Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Online Newsletter Better?

All Texas Nurses should review the Board's newsletter both online and the copy they get in the mail. Many times, the newsletter online contains more information in that articles are promptly made available online but are delayed in being published in the hard copy. For example, the article regarding prescription medications that was discussed in a earlier blog is currently available in the April 2007 newsletter, but it will not come out in print form until the July 2007 newsletter.

What? you say you don't read the newsletter except to see who got in trouble!!! (look for a post on this located at a Nurse Attorney's Thoughts) All nurses as professionals are required to be informed about their profession. The newsletter is the method that the Nursing Board chooses to inform nurses about changes in the laws governing their practice. But,if you don't read it, you are ignorant and Ignorance of the Law is NO Defense. So, take the time and become informed - read your newsletter.

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