I was driving home last night listening to a talk radio show. On the show the host was discussing whether a woman that had a mastectomy due to a misdiagnoses should be allowed to sue the doctor for a simple error. The host continued his discussion stating that simple errors should not be cause for litigation and that since the doctor did not intend to misdiagnose the woman, the doctor should not be sued. The host was getting very animated with each caller, discussing how he never sues anyone and that we are all litigation happy. The various callers were discussing how they would either only give the woman the cost of a "boob job" or give her nothing. The host was using all of this to continue to project how we need reforms and that lawsuits cost us all. He would spend a great deal of time with the callers that were agreeing with his premise of too many lawsuits, continuing to ask them questions to draw out more discussion about how this woman deserved no or little money.
I had heard the woman earlier that day describing what had happened and knew that the talk show host had key facts wrong. I called in and waited to talk to the host.
Since there had been discussion about the most this woman should expect to compensated was for the cost of a simple "boob job," I felt compelled when I FINALLY got on the air to discuss this misconception. I explained that the woman was facing extensive reconstructive surgery , not a simple breast enlargement and that her breasts would never be the same as they were before. I explained that women can have significant complications after reconstructive surgery so there was nothing simple about it.
I then proceeded to tell the host that this was not a simple error involving a doctor, instead it was a lab cutting corners and performing multiple tests at once to save money. And that due to the cutting corners, two women have been injured - the one who had the mastectomy and did not have cancer and the woman who did have cancer and has gone untreated for many months. The host then made a statement that surely I was in favor of cutting costs. When I replied, No, not when it ends up inflicting damage on people and I also added that there are continued cost cutting even when the corporate revenues are up and that patients are the ones being harmed and they have no recourse in many situations, but I was hung up on so that it seemed that my last statement was No, not when it ends up inflicting damage on people.
So, the radio station/host was editing people's comments to promote their agenda of too many lawsuits. Instead of allowing me to discuss the issue completely, they hung up on my call. I continued to listen and noticed that I could often pick out exactly when they hung up on other callers that disagreed with the host.
I thought here is another example of how the media is crafting what we hear and see to lead us to their ideas. They are not interested in the truth, but rather what makes better entertainment. I have been present when a person was interviewed for a story, yet when I watch the interview on TV the context is vastly different than what the reality was.
Once again, as nurses you have a scientific mind and you should utilize that mind to question what you are told and shown. Be an individual and investigate the truth. Make up your own minds and take action based on what you know to be right. Others are looking to you to be a leader or at least completely informed. Just because a co-worker, or administrator, or physician or a talk show host tells you something, you must decide for yourself what is correct. If you do not have enough information to determine what is the truth, investigate it until you are an informed nurse.
Just my thoughts, you can disagree, but then again that is the point--question and think for yourself!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Think For Yourself and Question All
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